Israel & Palestine – Day 4
Our fourth day we picked up two rental cars so that we could see some of the sights farther outside of Jerusalem. We headed from Jerusalem east on the road to Jericho, which takes you pretty quickly out of the city and through hilly dry…
Israel & Palestine – Day 3
In the morning we went to Christ Church in the Old City, apparently the oldest protestant church in the middle east. We headed out to Bethlehem after that. That meant walking through the old city over to the bus station by the Damascus Gate. The Arab busses run out to Bethlehem – as…
Israel and Palestine – Day 2
Saturday was our first full day in Jerusalem Since it is the Shabbat, most things are closed – but there was a museum that was opened – and has free entry for kids on Saturday. Since we had 8 kids, this seemed like a good opportunity for us. Since there are no…
Israel – Day 1
After a 3:10 wake-up to meet at the IKEA parking lot at 3:45 to get to Geneva airport by 5.00 for a 7.00 flight we were on our way. It’s only a 4-hour flight to Tel Aviv, which seems long at the time when you have a wiggly 18month old who doesn’t sleep – but…