Virtually Unprecedented
In these unprecidented times…. It kind of feels like that is the new way to start an email or newsletter or update of any kind from any institution. Honestly, I’m pretty sure no one used that phrase to start an email last year, and suddenly it feels about as common as “hello” Actually , we’re…
There’s a lot of Canada
One of the things that still strikes us living in Burundi is the population density. Not that it is anywhere like truly densely populated places like Hong Kong or even New York or Toronto, but there are way more people than it feels like there should be. In a huge city, you expect people everywhere.…
some perspective
here’s a post from my daughter and my fake daughter – reflecting on some of the issues of racial injustice that have finally been brought to the forefront over the past several weeks:
For Those Who Can’t Breathe
I wrote this over a week ago, but have hesitated to post it, not wanting to add more noise to the conversation. But I have come to the conclusion that saying something, as mistaken as I may be, is better than saying nothing. When I look back on what I’ve done and where I’ve been…