Not so illegal anymore.
Notice anythind different about us?
As of Tuesday – we’re legal residents of France. No – not ‘resident’ as in ‘long-term resident’- I just mean that use being here for this year is no longer without any legal standing.
What started with sending documents from Canada to France last spring, a 2500km drive to get us to the ‘nearest’ consulate and back for biometric fingerprinting last June, trips to the Marie too numerous to count, and enough paperwork to keep the pulp and paper industry afloat for a few years – has finally culminated in a Carte de Sejour.
We have had our dossier’s sitting wating for social security, health care, our family card for reduced train fare etc. – all just waiting for them to arrive. Micah and I were at le post mailing off a nice pile of thick envelopes within 24hrs of us receiving them.
To be honest it is a massive weight to be lifted – as not having them has caused us so much grief with so many things. Now we can get our French drivers license, we can get properly integrated into the social security system, we can get a bunch of stuff that should make other stuff easier. And most importantly – we can start getting our documents together to renew our Carte de Sejour in about 9 months.
I’m not sure which of us has the more interesting status here. I am considered here on “scientifique” basis – on account of doctoral level studies + research for the business school. Susan has a ‘wife of scientifique person’ – which is recorded on the card as “VIE PRIVEE ET FAMILIALE” – that’s right – she is only allowed to partake in ‘private and family life.’ Which wouldn’t be so funny – if the line underneath didn’t read “AUTORISE SON TITULAIRE A TRAVAILLER” – ‘the holder has the right to work’