
So it’s almost the end of the kid’s Toussaint holiday here, and today was Halloween. And for the first time since we lived here – we actually did something for it.

The French  – like most Europeans  – don’t really have Halloween. It is growing here by just a bit every year – Susan said she saw some packaged candy in a store this week.

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On Tuesday we were invited to a party at an Irish family’s place. So since we of course have no costumes -and since Susan has nothing to fill her days with four kids home from school – she made costumes for all six of us on Wednesday.  Plus some halloween themed snacks.



img_5777Instant Super-hero Family.



Pretty good family halloween costumes…no?


2 responses to “Halloween”

  1. You guys are awesome! And we always knew you were a super-hero family – even without the costumes 🙂 Susan, you never cease to amaze me.

  2. Amazing! Micah’s hair is incredible — he look the spitting image of Dash from “The Incredibles.” So fun!!

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