Well, hello there again.
No, it’s not you – this blog has been on pause for {checks notes} well over a year! That’s – by a long shot – the longest break since we started back when our family first moved to France in 2010.
Just writing that down is shocking to me:
- That I haven’t written here for a year
- That our family moved away from Canada for the first time over a dozen years ago
- How much change has been recorded on this blog during those years
If you didn’t know – one of the main reasons I haven’t been writing here is that I’ve been putting out a weekly newsletter on contentment, and that has taken a lot of my writing time. It’s a short newsletter every Thursday that helps understand, find, and live in deep, true Biblical contentment.
The kind of contentment that doesn’t look at the future with a scared “what if….” but with a confident “even if…”
If you’d like to receive those weekly nudges and join several hundreds of others in the Living Contentment community just drop your details below, and click that SUBSCRIBE button.
Or head over to Chartreusian.com where the previous ~200 Living Contentment posts are archived, along with some free ebooks, and other contentment-related material
The other thing that has taken my writing time is my first book has been released:
Utterly Transformed: The Improbable Life of Peter is now available in paperback and Kindle (audiobook coming early 2024)
If you’re interested -click the picture below and you can get it from Amazon.
But anyway – just to say – welcome back. I’m going to be writing here again. I won’t overwhelm either of us with trying to catch up on all that’s happened since the last post – but I’ll hit some of the highlights. And hopefully, Matea will stop bugging me to post about her birthday…