Let me just say this upfront…if you are a person who is inclined to get bitter at the good fortune of others, and you currently have over 1m of snow on your grass….maybe just move along.
There is an incredible amount of daffodils that grow in our yard (OK -technically not “our” yard – and no, not even our landlord-next-door’s yard -but hey…we’re all friends here)
They have been blooming non stop for a few weeks now – in fact today I noticed that as soon as you get a couple hundred meters down from our village – (where it’s fairly consistantly warmer) the daffodils are pretty much done – and the crocuses are as well.
There is a massive Magnolia tree in our yard (ok – again, not really “our” yard – but at least this time the Ribo’s – so kind of our yard) that has had huge blossoms on it for a bit over a week now that look like they have plenty of latent color just waiting to bust out. The magnolias – and most other flowering trees – are completely in full bloom down in Grenoble. In fact the other day waiting for the bus there was an almost overwhelming scent of fruit tree blossoms in the air.
It’s supposed to be sunny and up to 20 by Thursday – so things should really start growing now.
See – there is hope for the future – those of you who thought perhaps you were caught in the next ice age.
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