les vacances de Noël a commencé!

It’s true – Christmas vacation started this morning.

It’s only the first day – but here’s how it started at our house:

  • the temperature dropped overnight and the rain turned to snow early this morning – so our first snow of the year was the morning of the first day of holidays.
  • there were two dear eating at the snow-covered grass in the yard – the first deer we’ve seen in a long time
  • we had a huge breakfast together as a  family
  • as soon as we were done – the kids were outside in the snow – and stayed out until they were too wet and tired to play anymore
  • little Alma was just lying around ‘talking’ more than she ever has
The forecast is for more cool temperatures and more precipitation over the next few days  – so hopefully not too much of this will melt – and they’ll be some more.  Which is good because much of our snow has been sledded into the ground or rolled up into a ball.


One response to “les vacances de Noël a commencé!”

  1. Looks wonderful. Believe it or not there is very little snow here!

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