We spent about 5 days down in Pezenas. Good times were had by all. We went to the sea a few times, we went to the wine festival, we went to a flea market, the weather was great the whole time we were there. Pretty tough not to love that part of the world
One day at a park we noticed that Alma had a personalized bench just for her. That town really knows how to make people feel welcomed!
Before we went down this time – the kids had only three things that they wanted to do: swim at the sea, go to the ruin (the big old house my aunt and uncle are restoring), and ride in Uncle Milton’s Deux Chevaux. So happily for them it was a successful trip – and fortunately for us, our kids have quite reasonable expectations.
One day we drove out to a neighboring town for their weekly flea market -but it was not happenig as the carnival was in town, and had the rides sitting right on the parking lot that is normally home to the fleas. We ended up just driving to a lake – and having a picnic lunch. With such beautiful surroundings, even second best plans are usually pretty nice.
We did hit the beach a few times. Out kids absolutely love the water. They will normally stay in a pool until their lips are purple, and they stay in the sea until they are exhausted or have consumed so much sea water that they need a break, which ever comes first.
Alma loved the sand. She practiced her front crawl on the beach – it seems that she was anticipating some serious distance swims once in the water.
However, the kids all loved building castles, pools, seats, baths, etc for her in the sand – so they all played for quite some time.
The first day we went to the sea there were some really significant waves. Every once in a while the life guards made an announcement – but between the noise of the wave crashing and the wind it was impossible to hear exactly what. It sounded like “attention…something something…strong wind….something…waves…something something children….” I assume that the intended message was “hey everyone, there is some awesome strong wind making great waves that are strong enough to surf for small children, enjoy!” So we did
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