..and another rock.
That’s where we were the weekend before school started – a little stone village in a narrowing part of a valley where the rock faced mountains almost meet right next to the 400 year old settlement. The name is Entrepierres – literally ‘between the rocks’ – and it really is.
We spent a long weekend with our good friends the Ball family right before school started. It was a fantastic few days of relaxing, swimming, hiking and just spending time together.
The kids had a great time playing – and they swam on days that seemed quite windy, cool and cloudy to the adults – but they didn’t seem to care. They were seven kids, with a pool, in a beautiful place, and they didn’t seem to notice &/or care when their lips turned blue.
It was a really great way to end the summer and get ready for school (which started the morning after we got home)
In some ways it seems unreal that these friends – and others we have met here – we have only known for two years. When we drive we never seem to have our own kids with us – just some combination – and we hope that the other car has the remaining collection of offspring.
The funny thing about having our two families together is not just that there are eight kids in total – but that it seems like there’s not really that many of them. The kids are all pretty close in age – and they all play so well together that we often notice that in some ways it easier to have all eight than just our four.
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