Basically if you’ve ever watched Long Way Down or Long Way Around with Ewan McGregor and Charlie Borman…you have some idea of what we were doing. Except instead of 2 guys on bikes plus two support vehicles, we were two dads, plus a mom and a kid on two bikes, and one Land Cruiser with the other 10 people – for a total of 8 kids between 1-14. So basically… the exact same thing.

Once we got to where we (thought) we were going – we found a pretty amazing place to set up our camp. Kind of had our pick of the place.
Pretty hard to imagine finding a much better place than this to camp. Out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the lush green countryside of Burundi.
Also just about 100m away is a thermal hot spring, with some really hot water. Actually there were two – one is for women and one for men. Except on Wednesdays & Saturdays, then they’re both for men. And we were there on a Saturday. But we had someone say basically “no that’s fine…you’re visitors…your women can come in” Yeah..don’t think that’s going to happen when there are about 40 dudes in the pool – and when us guys get in we have every set of eyes staring at us intensely and constantly. But the guys had a nice cleansing & relaxing soak before bed. And the women actually got a chance in the smaller one when a bunch of the guys cleared out.
The next morning we took a hike to find some waterfalls that we had been told about – and they did not disappoint.
The water was FREEZING – but we spent pretty much the whole morning swimming, cliff jumping, making dams in the streams and just enjoying this beautiful place.