So, we thought this would be our first Christmas in Bujumbura – and we even decorated the house with borrowed decorations and a gifted/left-over artificial tree. However the increasing violence – especially when it flared up on Dec 11 and the fighting lasted for 14 hours or so – our security team asked us to leave the city ASAP. So while it was our first Christmas in Burundi – we did not spend it at home in Bujumbura like we had anticipated.
We left Buj and travelled up to Kibuye to spend a few weeks with our sister team that serves at the Kibuye Hope Hospital. We were incredibly blessed in being able spend time with that team, and also to have a great house to move into as there were some team members back in the US.
So we got to decorate again – this time on a tree a bit taller than the one we had – and spend the weeks leading up to Christmas with the Kibuye team, and all of the family who was visiting.

This also meant the kids got to take part in some pre-Christmas activities like gingerbread house making (and eating)

On Christmas day we went up to the hospital with Alyssa (paediatrician) and her parents (who were visiting from the States for the holiday) and were able to help hand out some toys and candy to the kids who were there.
During the Christmas break – a whole van full of us took a trip to see the southernmost source of the Nile, which just happens to be about 45min from Kibuye.
I think the problem was that for – especially the kids – when they heard ‘source of the Nile’ they pictured the great Nile river, vast, wide, snaking its way north into the Mediterranean. However, the source…is actually pretty small…as the source would be. And not only is it a small spring, but it has been essentially tapped and made into a small pipe that runs into a ceramic tile pool. So it kind of seems more like a 1960’s public splash-pool instead of the origin of the great Nile river. I think if you look REALLY REALLY closely you might note a bit of the disappointment on at least one of the kids faces below.
The hills of this part of Burundi are beautiful, and from the top of the hill by the pyramid you could see in every direction.

However, if there was any lingering disappointment with any children who shall remain nameless (there was) the trip was more than redeemed by driving a few km further down a bumpy, windy, dirt road right up until where it ended, which was right next to some hot-springs.
It was pretty amazing – and relaxing, and so beautiful.
This trip also meant that we were in Kibuye for Jonah’s 14th birthday.
So yes – now we have a 14 year old. Which I think makes us sound a lot older than we think we are.