I just realized some of you who follow this blog aren’t aware of my other writing work. So I thought I’d give some background – and explain what I’ve been doing when not writing on this blog the last year or so.
I Wrote a Book
I wrote a book on Peter – the apostle.
I think it was originally inspired by watching The Chosen.1 I remember being shocked at how normal and average the characters were. In the show, Matthew is portrayed as autistic, Jesus is presented with a genuine sense of humor, and it shows Peter as this flawed, normal, everyday blue-collar guy. Which of course is exactly who he was.

It was really rewarding to take it from idea, to draft, to an actual printed book.
I had some great friends help edit the final draft, and am pretty happy with how it turned out. Definitely will not be my last.
If you’re interested, both the Kindle and paperback are available on Amazon in the US, Canada, UK, and Europe.
Your Best Life Now
The other writing project is a weekly newsletter that I’ve sent out (almost every single) Thursday for a few years now. Living Contentment is a short nudge to help us all move towards a life of deep, true contentment.
In many ways, it’s a third way forward that rejects both the notion that life sucks, everything is hard, and we slip into depression OR the idea that God will make everything sunshine and lollipops for you, and if you face hard things – you must be doing something wrong.
Instead, Living Contentment lives in the tension of the two truths:
yes, this world is hard, broken, sad, and difficult
yes, God is good, powerful, and in control.
If you don’t get these every Thursday – hit up the form below and you’ll see the first one tout de suite and start taking steps toward YOUR BEST LIFE EVER.
Your life won’t get any better…but you may start to have a different perspective on it.
But maybe…that’s the point.
The other writing project I’m still in the process of is my book on contentment – which hopefully will come out in mid-2024.
So in case you were wondering why the posts on this blog all dried up, it’s because I have been diverting my writing focus for a while now. Well, that – and you know, my day job, etc.
But Just these last few weeks I’ve realized that I really miss this kind of outlet as well, and am going to try to focus my attention on all three forums.2
- If you haven’t watched this miniseries you are SERIOUSLY missing out. In my humble opinion, this is one of the two greatest projects of the past century to help people understand the Jesus of the Bible. (The other one being The Bible Project) It’s on NETFLIX now, as well as on their own free streaming service at Angel.com ↩︎
- YES – I’m perfectly aware that “focusing on three things at the same time” is not actually focus, but merely the folly of someone who perhaps believes multi-tasking is a real thing. We’ll see how this goes. ↩︎
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